Dear Favorite Black Pants,
We have been through a lot in the last 3 years. I have never worn pants as much as I have worn you. You first came into my life after losing 30 pounds and I found you on a clearance rack at Macy's. It was love at first sight. I wore you as often as I could, you always keeping your shape throughout every wear. When I got pregnant I continued to wear you as long as could, so sad to have to banish you to a hanger in the back of the closet until further notice as my body expanded. After having Carson and enjoying maternity leave, I winced at the thought of trying you on and not being able to button up, but I tried anyway. It was not a comfy fit, so I wiped the tears away and put you back on the hanger, you being my inspiration to lose the rest of the ugly weight that was keeping us apart. Finally, 7 months after giving birth you fit again! I was just as much in love with you then than I ever was! It's as if being neglected on the hanger for about a year was too much for you to bare because it seemed that you were much more fragile than I remember, and I'm so sad to say that you have your very first hole, and even though I am currently wearing you, I know our days are numbered. Even last weekend I knew this, and attempted shopping for your replacement, only to come up empty handed. No other pants know the curve (or lack there of) of my hips or the thickness of my waist as you do, and nothing is as comfortable or as stylish as you, my dearest very dressy wide leg black dress pants with a crease that never goes away. I feel that we are at the end of our relationship. I am truly heartbroken.....