Crazy Monday
So have you ever been to a convention that your job sent you on? Where you have to go and take notes and try to better yourself for your job? I know teachers have! Our entire staff spent our last professional development day at a convention. I always stupidly think that I'm going to get sooooooooo much out of these presentations, but it just never happens. My mom told me a long time ago that I'll be lucky to get one *good* new idea from each convention. She's right. I had to choose four presentations to listen to, and I did my best to weed out the awful sounding ones. The first one was promising at first, then a bore.....nothing new to learn! The second one was awful, like I was sitting in a lecture hall as a first semester freshman again (SCARY!!). The third one was after lunch and I was sleepy after walking downtown to eat with coworkers in the bitter cold and then walk back. Needless to say, I forced myself to stay awake for nothing, and when it was over, or supposed to be over, there were other people outside the room waiting for us to leave so they could come in and our presenter screams "I HAVE FIVE MORE MINUTES!" and then someone sitting a few rows up politely says "No, it's time." Thank goodness for that small voice!! The instructor was disgusted but gave in and we left immediatly. One more class to go! This one had potential, but then took a turn for the worst. What's new. Overall, the presentations did not match their descriptions in the book we chose from, and as always, we were disappointed. But I can't knock the whole thing. There's always the free stuff at conventions that make up for the hours of boredom. And did we ever get loaded up with free stuff!! That was cool. I was home by 2:30pm, which is unheard of, and contently napping by 4pm, right after watching Dr. Phil. Afternoon naps are a treat. Kenny makes fun of me and says that all I do is sleep. Not true. I stay up way late during the week so I only get about 4 hours of sleep a night. After dealing with children all day, I'm exhausted when I get home. And sometimes, I admit, I used to nap in the afternoon. But not anymore. Not with these masters classes. No time for that! Anyway, my point is that when you don't sleep more than 4 hours a night, a nap is acceptable. Just ask my dad. He'll tell ya. All in all, Monday was "crazily" productive (yes, I just made up that word!). A convention of free stuff, a yummy afternoon nap, and then six straight hours of masters work. Gotta love that!!
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