Sunday, June 25, 2006

First week of vacation

So my first week of vacation has came and went, and I'm still busy...something's not right here...oh yeah, cause I'm teaching summer school for the first time EVER! It's really not so bad. Only 2 days a week, 3 hours a day. I can survive it. And the money goes right onto our house fund, so it's totally worth it. And after teaching, I can be home for some sun, iced tea, and Dr. Phil. Gotta love it. Here are some pictures from the last field trip with my students to the Toledo Zoo. The pics aren't that exciting for 2, I had to use a disposable because I forgot Kenny's digital, and two, I didn't download any with kids in it for obvious reasons. So the pictures are boring and not that great, but nevertheless, here they are! I loved the giraffes. Their necks are amazing! Then there's the eagle, which is breathtaking when he decides to spread his wings. I couldn't get a picture of that though because he did it so fast (if I had the digit, I probably would have gotten the shot).

1 comment:

Dominique said...

I love the giraffes, too. If you can get close enough, they have the sweetest faces.

Just last week I joined my daughter's class on a trip to the Zoo. I was great until after 1:00. I had the kindergarteners, and they were absolutely bushwaggled.