Tuesday, September 05, 2006

First Day of School!

Hurray!!!!!!!!! The first day is over with!! But I have to say that today was the BEST first day I've ever EVER had!! This is my fifth year of teaching, and all years except for last year (the worst in history!) were okay. Today was not just okay, today was DA BOMB. I guess having slightly advanced multi-age first and second graders did the trick, cause I didn't even have to whip out the behavior chart.....NOT EVEN ONCE! Can you imagine? I know it's only the first day, but believe me when I say that the first day really does set the tone for the year. I think back to a year ago, and I just want to cry because on that day I knew it would be the roughest year ever, and I wasn't thinking that in a pesimistic way, more of a realistic way. I guess you just know. The ONLY complaint that I have is that my kids are pretty chatty, but it is the first day of school, and they haven't seen their friends in a while, so that plays a big part in the chattiness. My kids this year are seriously the cutest I have ever seen. I haven't had first graders at this school yet, only second graders, and now that I have both, I see how much smaller and cuter the little ones are. Adorable! Especially with their braids and beads and barrettes all done for the first day...and their clothes are crisp and clean and pressed! If they could just stay that way all year! I also wish I could post pictures of them here, but I can't, and I won't, too many perverts out there! It's crazy how much a teacher talks the first day. EVERY SINGLE TEACHER said after school how much their throat hurt. It's true. You do more talking the first day than any other day because there are explanations for EVERYTHING. Literally EVERYTHING. From how to walk in the hallway, to sitting on the carpet, to handling books...

"Miss L. is very picky about cleanliness and neatness, so don't leave things messy or I'll getcha!"

Aside from all of the wonderfulness of my new group of cuties, I'm exhausted, I have no voice left, and my feet are leading me straight to the tub. So for the next hour, that's where you'll find me with my People magazine and a glass of wine. And then when I'm done with that, maybe I can convince Mr. K to rub my hooves with hoof cream.


Tasha said...

YAy Congrats on the great class!

Brandi1977 said...

I am so glad you had such a wonderful first day!

Dominique said...

Congratulations on your first day of the school year. Sounds like you've got a good class. Yeah, first graders are especially cute (especially mine:) The explanations must have been the part of the day that Chloe said was boring. So much to cover, I'm sure.

It's super encouraging to read from the perspective of a teacher. I really hope this first day does set the tone for the year.

Tan said...

Sounds like a GREAT first day back! Here's hopin' the rest of the year is also DA BOMB! Enjoy those little ones!

Lindsay said...

YAY! That is a great post! I am so very happy your day was wonderful!
Ya'll start school late,where I live in TX this is the kiddos 5th week..

Unknown said...

Did I leave a comment for this post? I could have sworn that I did? I think I have brain rot.

I'm glad that the first day of school bodes so well for the rest of the year. It does seem that teachers have a sense for these things.

I look forward to hearing more about the year as it progresses.