Tuesday, August 28, 2007


This was my first week back at work, other than the couple of days last week putting my room together. I'm pooped! And guess what I'm tired from? Sitting in meetings all day. That are B O R I N G. It's hard work forcing myself to stay awake in meetings that do NOTHING for me. I absolutely hate these meetings. And it's the same thing every year. The same stuff, the same material, nothing changes. Ugh. That's why these days just drag on and on. It's like there's no end to them! And then I'll see an open spot in the schedule when I think I can get something done in my classroom, and OH WAIT! They have another meeting to add to the schedule. NO FREE TIME! Whatever. I'm just not feeling it this year. I know I will be very happy to meet my new students (and the 8 returning ones) next Tuesday, and when that moment finally gets here, I'll be back into the swing of things. But I'm just not there yet. Part of the reason is because my teaching partner in crime, N, isn't teaching there anymore. She's more than a coworker, she is one of my best friends and we have known each other since kindergarten. She only taught one year at my school, but we carpooled every single day and it was awesome having her there, and now, driving to work along just stinks. And knowing that she's not down the hallway, she's not there to eat lunch with, and not there in the car on the way home to swap stories of the day's events anymore just sucks. I feel like we got a divorce! (kidding!) In all seriousness, I think that's why I'm so unenthused about school right now. Every teacher probably goes through the "I don't want to go back" a little bit every year. We're lucky to have the time off, but I will say it's mighty hard to get back into the swing of things when the fall rolls around. And this year just seems to be the toughest time I've had with it. But, like I said earlier, once the kiddos are there next week, all will be well.


Tasha said...

Poor thing,...Hopefully the "fun"ness will kick in soon!

Unknown said...

I'm sure you are right about feeling better about work once the kids show up. Soon, Linds. Soon.

Plus, I think you had such a big summer with the house and all. I think it might be making the transition harder.

Where did your friend go? Did she take a job somewhere else?

Tan said...

Where is your friend? You must really miss her. Hang in there, things will get better soon.

Lori said...

You will be fine once the kiddo's get back OR even just getting in your room. It's the meetings they make us attend at the beginning that suck the life out of us!!! ENOUGH already! urgh!

Sorry about losing your teacher buddy - that does make a big difference! :-(

la bellina mammina said...

I'm sure things will pick up soon.:-) Hang in there! :-)

la bellina mammina said...

BTW, you were tagged:-)

Steff said...

I love hearing that most of us returning to work are pooped...it means it isn't just me!

And I feel exactly the same about those meetings...ugh. I hope your first week goes great and that no one throws up! (That will make so much more sense after you read my latest post.)