Monday, September 01, 2008

Real Last Day of Vacay


Lindsay over at Splat Designs is having a on the box to find out details!

Today is my last day of sane-ness before the kids arrive in my classroom tomorrow. I am in shock! I am meeting one of my best friends (since first grade) at the gym this morning for a good workout and hopefully some pool time too. I'm so excited that she and her family signed up at our gym! I've been waiting for about 5 years for someone I know to be there! It makes it so much more fun to workout.

Kenny started cleaning the garage last night. He hasn't finished because it's going to be a multi-day project and I'm concerned because of his ADD tendencies. I woke up to about 15 things spread across the backyard, including, but not limited to: lawnmower, 4wheeler, snowblower, several other lawn items, tubs, a bike rack (where did that come from???), a new freezer we just purchased (that's what prompted the cleanout), I could go on and on and on. I'll spare you the details, but there's a lot of stuff out there. He was up late working on it. He will be out there working on it today, I hope:)

I got some clothes for school yesterday. That always makes me a little more excited...I think (THINK!!!) I'm wearing a dress on the first day.....OMG that hasn't happened in a long time! If I do, there will be pics to prove it! I do wear dresses, especially in the spring and summer time, just not to school. Maybe I'll make a change this year.

I will leave you with this picture Kenny took of the dog. She was laying in the chair with me, sleeping. I know, I know, how spoiled is she. I can't help it though. She's just so cute!


Anonymous said...

Would he like to come clean our garage when he's done?

And the puppy picture is adorable!!!

Tasha said...

Hope you wear the dress :)
Love the pic of the baby.

Lori said...

Love, LOve, love that pic of the doggie!! :-)

As for that garage, I am nervous for you. Kenny sounds alot like Kevin and I know Kevin would start and not finish! LOL!

Good luck tomorrow ~ I will be thinking of you!!

Anonymous said...

The dog looks just too cozy!!