Monday, November 10, 2008

Bye Bye Fall

The last few precious images of fall.....
I think autumn is over. I know on the calendar it's not yet, but it snowed last night and this morning. We were grilling hamburgers last night and Kenny went out and lit the grill, came back in while it warmed up, and when he took the meat outside to cook, it was snowing. Nothing permanent of course, but enough to let us know that yes indeed, it's here. Our drive to work this morning was ridiculus. My copilot referred to it as "snow driving amnesia." The crazies here in Michigan are known for that. It wasn't a blizzard for heaven's sake! It was snow flakes, that weren't sticking to the road! All that requires is SLOWING DOWN. We decided to leave this morning at 630 instead of 6am just to give ourselves a little more snooze time. Nice, eh? Not so much. We didn't get to school until 820am. We are supposed to be in our classrooms at 730, the children arrive at 8am. Oooops. It wasn't our fault, let me tell ya. We had to go so slow on the freeway going to work that it made us crazy. I'm not even sure what the problem was, but I can tell you it was someone OVERREACTING to the first snow of the year. Which does happen every year. AHHHH! Oh well, it was a shorter morning with the kids. The didn't mind. They were happily coloring in another teacher's classroom when I arrived. They were actually disappointed to see me when I came in to get them. Hmph.


Lori said...

That's one thing about being a teacher...if we are late, we have 20 little ones waiting on us!!
I'm NOT ready for snow yet!!

Tasha said...

Michigan fall is like a week long and then comes wnter, LOL.

Anonymous said...

When my daughter was in second grade her teacher was always late. The kids had no supervision until she got there, and needless to say they absolutely loved it! I, however, was a little concerned so whenever I was in the building doing PTO mom things, I always looked in on them. They were mostly well behaved kids though and occasionally I'd find the principal sitting in with them, just to be sure they stayed that way!