Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Our weekend in Las Vegas was good. The first 24 hours I missed Carson, but not the kind of missing that leaves you crippled. The second day, however, I missed him so badly. Our plane ride home was delayed so it made it even worse. We went to Vegas for my hub's BFF's wedding. We bought tickets before the baby was born thinking it would be a nice time to take a "break" and we'd enjoy the time away from the baby. Stupid new parent thinking!! I SOOOO didn't want to leave him. And neither did Kenny, although he didn't whine about it like I did. But our friends flew to MI for our wedding and again this summer around the time Carson was born, so we just had to be there when they got married. It wasn't a Vegas strip wedding, it was at a beauitful country club, outside, perfect weather, gorgeous mountains in the background. It was truly breathtaking! We did have a good time dancing and drinking, and yes I even took part in the drinking!! That felt GREEAAAAAAAAT! Anyway, here are a couple pictures:

And on to the really fun stuff....Carson is three months old! Time is flying and he is growing! What a stud!

(Kenny was playing his hunting game while holding the baby....now that's talent!!)

Work? I'm still adjusting. I am not excited about going to work every day, but once I get there, it's not horrible. I feel like I've been teaching for 20 years already and it's only my 8th year. I don't see myself teaching for a whole career, at least not the way I feel about it now. I still love teaching, but I can feel burnout coming on soon, maybe another year or so. I don't have any other options right now, so I'll just keep on. I am thankful to have a job and health insurance and retirement, so really, no complaints here.

Things with our nanny seem to be working out well. She is flexible and so are we, so far so good! Carson is usually smiling when I get home on her two days a week, which is all I'm concerned with! If he's happy, then I'm happy!

I "think" Kenny is going hunting this weekend which means Carson and I will have lots of relaxation time together. I love that!! I'd rather Kenny be home with us, but I can get lots of stuff done and lots of relaxing in too when he's gone. Maybe this time he'll bring home the winter supply of food!!!


Tasha said...

Looks like a beautiful wedding. WOW 2 whole days away from Carson, how did you manage :) I'm sure he missed his mommy and daddy too. You know what? I miss his mommy too. Our weekends in October are so booked but lets get together REAL soon, okay. Love Ya!

Anonymous said...

OMG, look how big that precious baby boy is getting!! I've not checked blogs for a while so WOW it just blew me away that he is already three months old! The wedding looks beautiful and it sounds like you had fun in spite of missing Carson.