After we were beached out, everyone went home and changed and we met at a sports bar and had more fun together. It's crazy how we've all gone our separate ways, yet still stayed in touch, and most of us now live within 5 miles of each other. We're still working on A to get herself over here!!
Here are the rest of the pictures!
AND here are the pictures of the new baby hamster, Sparky.
I am SOOO jealous!
I wish we had a beach close to us!
I have three friends with whom I've been able to do a long weekend trip with the last couple of years. We live in different counties and states now. It is the best thing to get together and hang out with them so I know how much fun you had at the beach! Good times. Good times.
P.S. Hamster is cute. What kind?
Oh yeah! There's nothing better than good friends and plenty of sunshine.
But wait...are those barbeque chips I see?
It just got better!
Looks like a FABulous day!
Sparky is a golden hamster. I wanted a teddy bear hamster or a black bear hamster this time, but they all had red eyes, not so cute, so I got another golden one. Love him! He looks just like Rusty did when he was a baby.
Sounds like you guys had a great time!
Sounds like you had a fun day at the beach!
That day was the best day that I have had in a long time. Very relaxing! Going down memory lane with all of you girls was great! Can't wait to do it again!! (very very soon)
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