Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Back to work....

The 3 most dreaded words to so many people....

As tired as I was when that damn alarm clock rang this morning, and as grumpy as I was when the water hit my face before 5am, and as pissy as I was when I parked my car in the parking lot around 7am, I wasn't prepared for how I would feel when the kids poured in my room just after 8 o'clock....


I really was, too! I couldn't believe how much I had missed them! On the first day of vacation, I missed them, but then, they were gone !!POOF!! And I didn't think about it again until I heard the first knock at the door this morning. I have such a good group of kids this year and they were all bursting at the seams to tell me about their vacation and new toys that Santa brought them. They all had so much to say that I made it their journal entry assignment this morning to write about their vacation. So write about it, they did!

The author of the following entry cracks me up EVERY day. I guess you could consider him the class clown, in a positive way. He makes me laugh. You'll see why when you read the last line he wrote. It's not funny 'till the last line:

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(6 year-old writing translated: On New Years I went to a restaurant. Also I play with my guitar. And I play with my game boy. And I play my drum. And I went over to my grandma's house. And I did my homework. Also I did flips.)
It's the 'Also I did flips' part that makes me laugh!! He talks exactly the way he writes....randomly!!
All in all my first day back was good. My desk ended up heaped with stuff at the end of the day. I'm never sure how that happens. This is what it looked like at noon:
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And this is what it was at the end of the day after I threw a bunch of unnecessary stuff away:
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Much better! Now, for day #2 post vacation....do I really have to go back to work again tomorrow?


Lindsay said...

work again YUKKY!!!!
hopefully the rest of the year will FLY by!

Anonymous said...

what a cute journal entry.

Tan said...

Awwww...you really do love those kids, don't you? I think that is fantastic!

Lori said...

I stumbled onto your blog from Linday's ~ I'm a teacher too & go back to the real world Monday! I feel your pain about the alarm clock!!! :-)