Monday, February 26, 2007

Coming up for air!

Well, I am alive and well! We closed on our house on Friday and almost everything we own is is the garage! The painting party started Saturday, and Kenny had to go out of town Sunday and won't be back until Tuesday night, so my dad and a buddy came over yesterday to continue the painting and ripping out of carpet. The new carpet comes today (no school for me today!) and I hope to have some more painting done by then end of the day. I feel like I've been in a daze for the last 4 days...and I'm just now coming up for air. But it's a good daze. We won't have internet at home for about another week, so I won't be posting much but I'll be reading/commenting from work when no one is looking. I miss my blogging time! And I will post pictures, just not today.


Tasha said...

I am so happy that you are finally in your home. you and kenny deserve this. Can't wait to see pictures so I can stalk you...LOl

Nicole said...

Yeah, I want to see pictures! I'm glad ya'll got closed and everything. hope the fumes don't make you too high!

Lori said...

Yay!!! Can't wait to see pics! I remember painting - that can wear you out!! But, the results are worth it in the end!

Tan said...

Oh sure, we know you're just on a paint fume high. We know, we know. LOL Hurry back with pictures, okay??