Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

It's too good to be true........somebody pinch me!!

I'm at home today, on another snow day! Three snow days in two weeks. I must be dreaming. Too bad I'm not packing.

This time, it really is a true snow day. I'm not sure how many inches we got, but it was a lot! When I left school yesterday, my principal said, "See you Thursday." So everyone at work was pretty much banking on this day off.

Last night, it took us an hour and a half to drive home. And this is what it looked like:
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And this was the spedometer
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But since I love the snow, I'm not complaining. It's beautiful! And cold, but I still love it. And Happy Valentine's Day too! I'm sending the love to all my blogger friends and non-blogger friends that read this too. Love you all! This is what Kenny is getting today.....
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Some chocolate luscious lips, a chocolate Spiderman, homemade chocolate chip cookies and a cute little red monkey that will inevitably end up in my classroom. Can you tell he is just SO loved? I wonder what I'm getting....

PS- Click over to Lindsay's site and wish her little man well...he's under the weather and they need the good thoughts!


Tasha said...

YAY, a snow day...Happy V DAY!

Unknown said...

Happy Snow Valentine's Day! I hope Kenny treats you well today!

Lori said...

I am SO jealous!!! I just got home and am exhausted from the Valentine's party so...I'm not speaking to you for awhile! ha!

Have a good one! (and try to get out of rescheduling the v-day party! LOL!)

Nicole said...

I love the goody basket of fun stuff. My kids got laundry baskets. What a fun mom I am. HA. Happy Valentine's Day!

Lindsay said...

You are the BEST "bloggin' auntie"
Thanks for thinking of my little guy! He is getting better and is actually jumping inhis bed right now.. HAHAHHAAA!