Sunday, February 18, 2007

Not really sure...

This is my first REAL packing day. I'm really ready to get started....except for one minor detail. No boxes. At all. Help?
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Nicole said...

I always go get some at the local grocery stores. Or Wal-mart. They usually have a time when they unload their stuff. Just find out when that is and go get some.

Anonymous said...

Packing....girl I do NOT envy you on this one. We moved about 9 months ago, and I am still having nightmares. Literally. ha! Luckily, my hubby is a drug we have LOTS of boxes that his drugs come in. (Ok..he's a Pharmaceutical salesman....drug dealer just sounds funnier doesn't it? lol) Good luck! Nicole is stores/Wal-mart will usually give them away if you'll take them. That would be my first bet!

Tasha said...

I feel your pain. After we ran out of boxes we down graded to garbage bags...poor thing!

Lori said...

I HATE moving! But luckily two of my friends moved right before I did & they saved all their boxes for me! Of course, that isn't what you wanted to hear I'm sure!