Thursday, May 10, 2007

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Thirteen Things I Am Proud Of

1. Kenny
2. Our first house
3. My students this year-they are the BEST!
4. Being raised on a farm
5. My brother for his wise business ventures
6. My college degree that hangs on the wall (ooooooooh-so proud!)
7. The quilt I made for a St. Jude’s Auction that brought $800
8. How far I’ve come as a teacher
9. Moving to this side of the state for a job in Detroit, with NO idea what I was getting into (thank God I did it cause I have Kenny because of it)
10. My parents for remaining close even after divorce
11. My mother for staying strong though this rough patch
12. My friend N for getting through her first year as a teacher (middle school.....ugh)
13. Beating depression


Lindsay @ Splat Designs said...

GREAT things to be proud of Girl!
Love you!

la bellina mammina said...

Way to go!

L^2 said...

Wow, these are all wonderful things to be proud of!

Happy TT and thanks for visiting my list. :-)

Lori said...

Great list! I applaud you on several of them, but especially #13! I suffered major depression myself for almost a year after my divorce & I will never take someone saying they are depressed lightly again.
Kuddo's to you!!!