Sunday, March 16, 2008

Wedding Shower II

My stepmom gave me a second wedding shower was fun! I got to see some friends that I hadn't seen in a long time, since college, and then a couple that I see on a regular basis too. The shower was at my dad and stepmom's house, which is way out in the country, and there was beautiful sunny weather which made the drive nice and relaxing. My dad along with some uncles and my grandpa, and even a great uncle, dropped their wives off and went to dinner, then came back and "crashed" the end of the shower, which was cute!

My grandpa had a stroke a couple years back (he was 90 at the time) and it was a miracle that the only lasting effects on his body was with his speech. He slurs his words, but most of the time, you can understand him. He's still all with it mentally. Anyway, yesteday, at the end of the shower, when it was just family left, I was sitting next to him and I hugged him and he patted my arm and said, "so happy." I asked him if he was happy that I was getting married and he said, "oh yes, so happy." Talk about tears. I kept them in until I was driving home, then cried. How sweet. I am the oldest of a slew of grandchildren, and I was the only granddaughter for 10 years, so I know I have a special place in my grandpa's heart. He loves formal ceremonies, like graduations and weddings, so I know he is really excited about my wedding. And for him to tell me that was pretty cool. It's something I'll ALWAYS treasure. Here's a picture of us just before he said it.


Tasha said...

Aww, so sweet...What a cute grandpa you have :)

Lori said...

That is sweet and something you will always remember. Great pics!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see pictures of your grandpa dancing at your wedding!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun time was had by all!!