Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Came Early!

And in the form of a snow day!!! I am home today, first day of vacation unexpected!! Getting that call in the morning to just stay in bed is more than music to my ears, let me just tell ya. Most of the county knew yesterday that kids in every school wouldn't be going in today, and that vacation was coming early, but it didn't really start snowing until 430am, so it was kind of hard to determine if I should get up or not. Then the call came.....whew!! So I slept in big time, something I never do, and I'm still in my PJs. It's going to be a lazy day around here. Kenny declared this morning that he wasn't going to do anything today too. I think someone has the case of jealousy....when I get to be home, he doesn't want to work, heh, heh, heh! It's now almost 11am and it's STILL snowing, and it's so beautiful. We actually went out and bought a brand new snowblower last night at Sears and Kenny put it together and when he gets up I'm sure he'll be outside using it. It's much bigger than we actually need (you know how guys are about that kind of thing) but he is looking forward to using it!

In other news....

I'm 13 weeks today! Due date is June 24th. I had an ultrasound at about 9 weeks and here is our baby....

And then at my appointment yesterday I got to hear the heartbeat again....what an incredible sound. I've been absent from blogging as often as I used to because I've been incredibly sick every single day. Ugh. Not fun, but ALL for a good cause!


Tasha said...

YAYAYAYAY a baby I can not wait! Can I be the blog mama? LOL

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I am so happy for you! SO you have been really sick huh? Been there done that!

Unknown said...

Yay!!! I finally got on and had a chance to see the ultrasound picture. I'm so excited for you:)

Anonymous said...

Oh wow!!! Congrats! I'm so happy for you guys!!!!

Lori said...

Congrats!!! Yay!!!!! A little Kenny on the way...your hands will be so full! ha!

Bethany said...

I am so happy that you blog cause then I don't feel like I am missing everything! Thank you!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Congratulations! How did I miss this!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I'm a little late on the official news here, but you know I'm so happy for you guys!!! Congratulations. I truly believe you are going to be THE BEST MOM EVER!

Unknown said...

Hi Lindsey! Congratulations. You are going to love being a mommy!