Sunday, January 07, 2007

Guess what I did today????????


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The girls and I try to make a yearly tradition of Build-A-Bear every January. I know it's slightly childish, but it's super fun if you can find the time and the dollars, and I'll tell you it's not cheap!

Here's the process.....

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We have been getting together more often because B is moving down south this week. It's hard to say goodbye to best friend, knowing that the times you will be seeing her will be limited to a couple times a year at best. We're trying to keep our traditions going, even if we're far apart.

To see the rest of the Build-A-Bear pics, click here. Happy Sunday!


Anonymous said...

build a bear is so cool. I am so doing it SOON!

Tan said...

My daughter collects stuffed animals and we pretty much live at Build-A-Bear. You're right...they are cute but sooo expensive. My daughter saves her money and buys them herself most of the time in spite of the fact that I try to discourage it. At last count, she had a total of 936 stuffed animals (no kidding) -- not all of them are Build-A-Bear but quite a few of them are. Her animals have a special room in our house that we appropriately call the "zoo." Enjoy your new Teddy B!

Lindsay said...
