2. Reading

3. Typing

4. Teacher & Student

5. Math

6. Dinosaurs

7. Legos

8. Puzzle

9. Coloring

10. Memory Game

11. Sewing

12. Jacks

13. Doorknob

What a night! I won't go into too much detail, but I will say that there was a small incident with goldfish, cream cheese, a fork, and roast beef. The fish bowl was TAKEN away from our table...actually, it was Kenny's friend's table, not our's, thank god. Some things never change.
Here we are before the craziness happened.
This teddy bear is SO plush! I got him as a sweet sixteen birthday present...oh, so many years ago. He's a little beat up, but he still sits on the bed. He's been through part of high school, all of college, and is still with me. He's a HE, but doesn't have a name, just BEAR.
I showed a movie today in class. I usually reward my class with "Fun Friday" where I show a movie and let them eat popcorn. So we watched the Charlie Brown Halloween movie. I know it's a few days late, but I didn't have time to show it on Halloween so this was the next best thing. I love showing movies. It means I actually get to sit at my desk and NOT TALK!! I'm lovin' it!!
I'm looking forward to the weekend, as I'm sure everyone else is. I have a ton of masters work to do, so much in fact that I know I won't get it all done this weekend. Along with that there's the normal cleaning and laundry fiasco to deal with, but nevertheless, it'll be the weekend, and I can do all of these not-so-fun things in my pj's and slippers and robe......oh, does that sound good!
Kenny is working hard (as usual) around the clock also, so we aren't really that fun to be around right now....actually, we're kind of boring. And I know I will be until I'm done with my classes sometime after Christmas. Oh well, at least we're boring together!!!!
Happy Friday! Celebrate any way you can!
1. To sleep in.