Sunday, December 30, 2007
Engagement Photographs
Friday, December 28, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
More Christmas
Monday, December 24, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
3 Days Left
Other than the sickness, I'm actually really excited about Christmas!! We are having a big Christmas with my mom's family Sunday, and on Christmas Day with Kenny's family and my dad's family. So we have lots to get ready for but I'm so excited. I still feel like a little kid at Christmas time.
My main goal today is to clean the house and feel better. I guess I should say FEEL BETTER first and then clean the house. Life goes on with a messy house, right?
Once my meds kick in I can't wait to finish wrapping presents and being sneaky with them so Kenny can't figure out what he's getting. He likes to do that you know....he's so bad! Just thinking about wrapping presents and about Christmas makes me feel better already!!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Snow Day At Last!

Sunday, December 16, 2007
Let it SNOW
We played outside with the puppy last night and she loved it. She's been in the snow before because this isn't the first snow of the season, but it's the first dumping of snow we've gotten. This morning I woke up and looked out and there's a foot of it our there. I love it!! Thank goodness it's Sunday. Wait a minute, maybe it would be better if it was Monday so we could have a snow day. THAT would be great. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
I'm done Christmas shopping for everyone except Kenny. I have no clue what to get him. Not one idea. He keeps saying he doesn't need anything. But you know come Christmas morning when we're opening presents he'll be all pouty if he doesn't have much to open. So what should I do???? I have no idea what to get the man who has everything or who could go get anything he wants. That's why I'm having problems. And it's not like I can make him something....I've already made him quilts, fleeces, stockings, you name it, I've already made it for him! He's been pretty good this year (hello-engagement ring!!!!) so I will just have to keep thinking. Shoot me some ideas if you think of any!
I met my friend Shane (also a bridesmaid) at the mall on Friday evening to shop, and it was a blast. She's a power shopper like me, plus she likes to have things gift wrapped too! I normally love to wrap presents because of course it's a crafty thing to do. But after we hit the gift wrap place, I think I might like that idea better!! Talk about making it easy!
All this Christmas stuff to finish up, wedding stuff to work on (I love it I love it I love it!!!), plus just wanted to be home in this snow...PLEASE let there be no school tomorrow.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Birth Day
It was my birthday, and from the time I woke up it's been nothing but fun. Even yesterday I got some really sweet emails and a cute ecard from momma. Kenny woke me up with hugs and kisses before he went to sleep. I was showered with love and gifts at work, for starters. Not that I am all about getting presents, but I have to say my desk was covered in gift bags by 8am from coworkers and students/parents. Talk about feeling the love!! I just got home from dinner with Kenny and cake with his parents, and I'm all cozy in my new PJs from my future inlaws. I got several voice mail messages and phone calls wishing me happy birthday and I just feel so loved! There's nothing like a birthday to put a smile on your face. I even got Kenny to not work this evening and just chill out with me (in my new PJs). This is the definition of comfort!
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Sleepy Sunday
Saturday, December 08, 2007
I saw Santa today!
The puppy told Santa what she wanted for Christmas.....new bones and table scraps. It'll depend on how good she is!
We put up some new vertical blinds today and within 2 hours, the puppy had pierced one of the blinds 8 times with her sharp teeth. I was so mad!!!
I thought we had a new table coming for the diningroom because the one we have is on the curb as of today, but it's not coming yet, so we'll have to wait a little longer. I just want a table!!! Badly!!! I'm tired of eating at the computer or in the livingroom, or standing at the sink!!!!
My birthday is on Monday and we went shopping for my gift, a new coat, but did they have it in red?? Of course not!!! So I'll be waiting on that too. Oh well. At least I didn't have to go to work today or tomorrow, and it was still fun shopping. I like to be out and about when all the Christmas stuff is out, not necessarily when I have to be shopping, but just when we can stroll around and casually shop. And Kenny even likes it too, especially when he gets to look at man stuff, like snowblowers and sports jerseys. Then he's happy too!
It smells like Pine
- woke up late on purpose, needed an extra 45 of sleep
- stopped for coffee on the way to work, putting us there just as our mandatory morning tutoring begins at 730am (waaaaay too early to be functioning with 8 kids)
- 2 parents decide that 730am is a great time to conference with me about their child's report cards because they didn't make it to conferences 2 days ago-great, I'm not even awake yet
- I'm observed from 9-930am, with a quick follow up conference....she loves me, can't say enough good things about me, is very impressed with my students' writing skills, makes me feel good, and bonus, she loves my flip charts and says that you can learn a lot about the personality of a teacher from their flip charts....good to know, will always keep that in mind forever
- headache takes over my neck and the side of my head so I pop some excedrin
- my para-pro asks me if I want to go renew my tags during our prep time because she has to do it too, and I really have to think about it because that means I have zero time to prepare stuff for next week, which is a big deal
- my para-pro says she'll take care of the prep work for me (have I mentioned how lucky I am to have this wonderful person working with me????) if I go with her, which ultimately saves me time at the secretary of state after work
- we go to renew our stuff, and HELLO!!! NO WAITING IN LINES ANYMORE!! They have those kiosks now where you insert your renewal slips and WHAM you are done! Tag gets spit out and you are on your way home, or in my case, back to work
- we had time to spare so actually got to eat a nice lunch
- the rest of the day was filled with spelling tests, language arts testing, grammar and handwriting, and then a math lesson and finally our "Fun Friday" movie...whew, that was a lot on a Friday afternoon!
- before the kids left my head was a pounding again so more excedrin!
- the ride home was so nice knowing it was the weekend
- as soon as I got home I was in the truck with Kenny running errands and the puppy was so cute!
- made it home and ate dinner, and I've been SLOWLY cleaning so that I don't have to the rest of the weekend
- even made it to the craft store (my favorite place in the world) to get some fuzzy stuff for the puppy's stocking and her new bed that I'm making her-which she BETTER sleep in, and of course I'll take pictures of it when I'm done
- looking forward to doing wedding stuff all weekend and relaxing!
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Gloom and Doom
I've been buried under a ridiculous amount of work from my job. This week we had conferences and I had parents lined up for 3 hours. After school. After teaching all day. With NO BREAK on that particular day. And I dismissed the kids then went right into the first conference and didn't stop for more than 3 hours. I was SO tired when I got home. That's part of the reason I have been MIA. Anything that could have happened this past week did happen, and I'm so tired! One more day of teaching and then the weekend. My birthday weekend!
I am being observed tomorrow. Every year we are observed and evaluated twice a year. Since we have a new principal, I have no idea what to expect. I won't lie and say I'm not nervous, because in all all honesty, I am. Very nervous. Not about my capabilities as a teacher, but about the "other" hidden things on that observation checklist that aren't disclosed to teachers. Things that we are supposed to be doing or supposed to have in our room but aren't told we need them, and then all of a sudden we're being marked down on our evals because we weren't doing something we didn't know we had to do. That's why I'm nervous. Sound fun? I don't think so. Wish me luck.
Friday, November 30, 2007
I called him from work on my lunch break to say hi, and when he answered, I asked him what he was up to. He said, "I took a shower, and put on some jeans I haven't worn since last year and they were tight. " I asked him why he thought they were tight (of course I know why) and he said, "Because I like candy."
Last night Kenny said he wanted something healthy for dinner (we were just finishing up registering for wedding presents) so where do we go? Wendy's. Not that healthy, but he could still get a salad. He orders a salad, and while doing so, tries to figure out a way to get the chili into the BLT chicken salad (he didn't want the one that came with it). I ask him why he doesn't just get a burger and a chili if that's what he wants and he says, "I'm trying to eat healthy by getting a salad, but I really only like the salads if they aren't really salads." That's my Kenny!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Spinning and spinning
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
NaBloPoMo Day 27
I have a confession: I put my wedding dress on tonight. No one was here to help me (or spy on me.....Kenny!), and I did it just fine myself. I have been wanting to, and for some reason, it felt naughty and great all at the same time. I love it. I never want to take it off. It's so comfortable, and I can't wait to wear it for real! If it weren't for the fear that I have that Kenny will come home and see me in it, I would probably be blogging in it. But I'm not.
Today was a day that drained me. The kids were constantly, "I need......I need......I need......." and I just kept thinking, "I NEED A TIME OUT!" And I really did. I got it on my way home from the gym.....no radio, no noise, no phone, nobody....complete and total silence. Just what I needed. Ahhhh.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Jibber Jabber
My class and I were talking about how they need to be on their best behavior (our class was chosen to be taped for our school website) and show the "world" how 6 and 7 year old act. I told them that even though their teacher was chubby, she could run fast and for a long time on the treadmill and they just better be on their best behavior. Then one of the boys raised his hand and said, "Yeah, my grandma is chubby too and she can really chase me, pretty good for being chubby." I was cracking up!!
I always tell the kids to fold their arms when they are in line, it's the one thing they just fail to do. I can't stand it!! If their arms aren't folded, they flail and act crazy, so that's why I constantly ask them to fold their arms. Anyway, I started taking away Fun Friday minutes every time I had to tell them to fold their arms. And just to get them going, I'll say, "Don't make me say the "a" word!" and then I'm not really saying the word, which would cost them minutes, but I'm still reminding them to fold their arms. So we are in the hallway, on our way to lunch, and, as usual, some of the kids aren't folding their arms. One of the boys notices and says, "You better fold 'em or else she'll say the "a" word." My principal was right there in the hallway and heard it, and then turned and looked at me like, "What is the "a" word?" I told her before she could ask me what it was, and then she laughed and walked away. Whew. That could have gone really wrong.
One of the first grade girls take FOREVER to do any work. I mean it'll take her all morning to do her journal entry, and it should take 15 minutes. I have to bargain with her snack to get her to finish anything. I normally don't like to use food like that, especially when some kids don't have a lot of food at home, but her mom said that was what worked at home, so every once in a while I tell her she can eat her snack when she finishes her work. And it usually takes her half the amount of time. Anyway, this particular morning, she was frustrated with reading the directions on a language arts sheet, and she slammed her pencil down, threw her hands up in the air and said, "That's it, I can't read, Ms. L. call my momma." I asked her what her momma would say, and she said, "I don't know, but she'll come get me and take me home. I can't take this learning stuff in first grade." That was the hardest thing to keep from laughing. The problem was she is super smart and she got used to not being challenged in kindergarten. My class is advanced, so she's appropriately challenged, and she's just not used to needing help. Poor girl. She adjusting now. I told her mom later on what she said and we both had a good laugh.
I could write so many more scenarios, but I'll save them for another time. Did anyone watch Desperate Housewives last night??? I'm dying to know what is going to happen next week, the natural disaster and all. And Gabby & Carlos are so screwed. I love it that Lynette's mom is living with her gay ex-husband, they make cute roommates. And Andrew!! I felt bad that he was feeling left out, but when he told Bree that he forgave her, I love it!!!! I know it's ridiculus to be that into a nighttime soap opera, but I love the show and it's an hour a week I don't have to deal with reality. Isn't that why we watch TV in the first place?? Go ahead, make fun of me, but you all know you watch something you are ashamed of. I love The Hills (even worse), Grey's, and Brother's & Sisters too. Go on, make fun, I can handle it.
Once my dinner digests, I'm getting the big maglight out and going into the backyard to find my running shoes that the puppy hid. I had them sitting on the back porch because I stepped in her poo pile on Friday. I let them dry up and then I was going to clean them Saturday, and I forgot. I let her out this morning and I see one shoe covered in snow (oh yeah, we got our first snow last night), and I don't see the other shoe. ANYWHERE. It was dark, but I didn't have time to get the flashlight and look. Now, I have time. And if I don't find it, the dog is in the penalty box for a while. Expensive shoes, gone to crap!!!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Blah Blah
I had a nice surprise visit from a longtime friend who was in the area for the holiday, and that was really nice. She was only here with her fiance for a short time because when she is home, her time is spread thin, but it was great to see her for a few minutes! She is getting married down south where she lives now in March, so I will taking a road trip then!
Here's to a good week ahead!
Saturday, November 24, 2007

Friday, November 23, 2007
Black Friday
I bought that Christmas bulb back in June when we were at convention and I had lots of time to spend money. Isn't it cute?? Next year, I'm sure we'll have a bulb or some other kind of decoration that says something about our first Christmas as husband and wife. I love all that stuff!
I have declared to anyone who will listen that I'm staying home today. I have a list of stuff to do, big stuff, and I really want to get it done. I am leaving the house in a minute, but it's to work out, so that really doesn't count, because I'm not running an errand. When I get home, I'm starting in on my to-do list and we'll see how far I get!!
Thursday, November 22, 2007

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Almost asleep at work
- The word GOLF came from Gentleman Only Ladies Forbidden
- When you see a statue of a soldier on a horse, if both front legs of the horse are raised, the man died in the battle. If one front leg is raised, the man died from wounds as a result of the battle. And if all four legs of the horse are on the ground, the man died later in life from natural causes.
- 50% of all Americans live within 50 miles of their birthplace
- In England pubs, beer was ordered in pints and quarts. When the customers got unruly, the bartender told them to mind their pints and quarts, which is where "mind your Ps and Qs" came from.
You know you are with the times when the following things apply to you:
- It's quite possible you have entered your pin number into the microwave by accident
- You've never played solitare with real cards
- You have 15 phone numbers to reach 3 family members
- You email a person sitting 3 feet away from you
- Websites are at the bottom of every commercial, billboard, and on every box of food
- Your excuse for not staying in touch with someone is that they don't have email
- Getting online before you have your first cup of coffee in the morning is the normal routine
- You will jam on the brakes and drive back home if you forget your cell phone, like you can't live without it
THESE are the things that kept me going through pointless meetings this morning. And that's it. The good news was we got to leave work at 1pm. Traffic was crazy. I guess the airport wasn't having issues inside, but the parking was what was holding everyone up. Thank goodness I'm not flying anywhere!